Gairdner Loop to Mount Lesueur Trail – Overview


The Gairdner loop to Mount Lesueur trail is actually made up of what can be two separate hikes in the same area. If you want you can simply walk up to the summit of Mount Lesueur without doing the Gairdner loop.

However this post will cover the two hikes as one, as they are displayed on because the Gairdner loop is nothing but a flat loop walk that doesn’t add any extra difficulties to the hike up Mount Lesueur and I recommend doing both unless short on time.


Nearby hikes to check out

For other hikes nearby check out the following which is also in the Lesueur national park:


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Gairdner loop & Mount Lesueur trail video


Mount Leseuer Summit

Shot using the DJI Mavic 3 Pro (Amazon).

Gairdner Loop & Mount Lesueur Trail Details


In this section I will show a few photos and give you the basic run down of the Gairdner loop & Mount Lesueur trail after having done the trail and summit walk in October 2024.

Where is the Gairdner loop & Mount Lesueur trail?


The Gairdner loop & Mount Lesueur trail is located in the Lesueur national park, which is approximately 240km north of Perth, the capital city of Western Australia.

The drive from Perth will take about 2 hours and 45 minutes but this all depends on where you leave from.

The closest town of some significance is Jurien bay, from here the drive is a much more manageable 35 minutes and this makes a great place to stay for visiting the national park.

How much does it cost to do the Gairdner loop to Mount Lesueur trail?


The Gairdner loop & Mount Lesueur trail lies within the Lesueur national park which does have entrance fees. At the time of writing the entrance is $17 per vehicle (less than 12 ocupants).

I personally prefer to just have a yearly pass which saves me money and allows me to visit worry free.

You can buy passes online here, these will be for Western Australia and each state will have their own parks pass.

This hike is not overly long so food is not necessary, however you must have something to drink.

Is there parking at the Gairdner loop & Mount Lesueur trail?


There is plenty of parking at the Gairdner loop & Mount Lesueur trail.

The trailhead starts just off the Lesueur scenic drive and there is parking specifically for this trailhead on the scenic loop.

From the carpark you can walk straight up the Mount Lesueur summit or you can go around the Gairdner loop which will join the summit walk.

Shot on the Sony A1 (Amazon/eBay link) using the Tamron 17-28mm f/2.8 (Amazon/eBay link).

How long is the Gairdner loop & Mount Lesueur trail?


The Gairdner loop & Mount Lesueur trail is officially 5.1 kms in length.

The Gairdner loop by itself is 1.8 kms and if you decide to walk the Mount Lesueur loop without the loop, that will be 3.5 kms return.

How long does it take to complete the Gairdner loop & Mount Lesueur trail?


The average time on the Gairdner loop & Mount Lesueur trail as listed on is 1 hour and 29 minutes.

This aligns with my moving time when using the app. It can definitely be done quicker as the Gairdner loop is mostly flat and the summit walk is nothing too outrageous, however as the attraction is the flora I suggest taking 2 hours to do the walk to enjoy it more.

Shot using the DJI Mavic 3 Pro (Amazon).

What is the elevation gain and altitude of the Gairdner loop & Mount Lesueur trail?


The elevation gain of the Gairdner loop & Mount Lesueur trail is approximately 166m.

The altitude of the Gairdner loop & Mount Lesueur trail peaks at about 301m above sea level. See the elevation gain map below as seen on alltrails.

My Gairdner loop & Mount Lesueur trail stats


My Gairdner loop & Mount Lesueur trail stats are seen below as taken from the alltrails app. My moving time is the same as the average completion time however I spent much more time than that on the trail.

My distance and elevation gain don’t match the official numbers as I was doing some walking back and forth to make the video seen at the top of this post.

Everything the light touches is my Kingdom!

Shot on the Sony A1 (Amazon/eBay link) using the Tamron 17-28mm f/2.8 (Amazon/eBay link).

What is the weather like on the Gairdner loop & Mount Lesueur trail?


The Gairdner loop & Mount Lesueur trail, like a lot of hikes in Western Australia’s south western region has a fairly mild climate in spring and autumn, however as with the rest of Australia the summertime can be dangerously hot.

If you’re doing it in the summer drink a lot of water before setting off, as well as during the walk.

In the peak seasons for wildflowers (August to November) you will mostly be met with very pleasant conditions with maximum daytime temperatures between 22-31°C 

What are the track conditions of the Gairdner loop & Mount Lesueur trail?


The Gairdner loop & Mount Lesueur trail has very good conditions.

There are no difficult scrambles, the Gairdner loop doesn’t get walked as much so you may need to clear some spiderwebs along the way. When tackling the Mount Lesueur summit trail the ascent is grippy and thankfully doesn’t stretch on for too long.

Beware that there is not much cover, so wear sunscreen, a hat, or both.

Shot on the Sony A1 (Amazon/eBay link) using the Tamron 28-200mm f/2.8-5.6 (Amazon/eBay link).

What do I need to do the Gairdner loop & Mount Lesueur trail?


The Gairdner loop & Mount Lesueur trail can be done with the bare minimum.

At only 5kms in length you could do this with gym shoes or runners. Take a hat, some sunscreen and a fly net if the weather is warm and sunny.

I also recommend a snake bite kit and PLB, I nearly stepped on a snake during a different hike in this national park and it is just a friendly reminder to always be prepared especially if you’re walking alone.

As always, take water. In the hotter months you might even need up to 2 litres depending on what weight you’re carrying (I carry a lot of camera gear so it’s a bit difficult for me) but usually 1 or 1.5 litres will suit most people if you hydrate before you even start.

Summary of the Gairdner loop & Mount Lesueur trail


This is a good beginner friendly walk that won’t take too much time out of your day, although I do think that the Yued Ponar trail is the better walk of the two if you were trying to decide on just one to do in the Lesueur national park.

The Gairdner loop portion is better for those seeking out wildflowers, while the Lesueur summit trail offers great views of the national park.

Do I recommend the Gairdner loop & Mount Lesueur trail?


Yes, it is suitable for people even with limited fitness if you put in the effort it will be worth it.

A nice day hike that doesn’t take up your whole day and leaves you with time to head into Jurien bay and enjoy the beach, or to possibly do another hike within Leseur national park.

The national park is well maintained and definitely worthy of a visit, they do a great job with the trails in this park.

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