
Cars & Camping

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Frequently Asked Questions


Let me start off by first saying that I don’t have any frequently asked questions. These are just some questions that you may or may not be interested in knowing the answer to.

Some common questions that people want to know the answer to without having to read through a less organised post to try find relevant information.

I will attempt to break them down into sections for you for easier navigation.

For more information about me see the about me page. Kind of makes sense when you think about it doesn’t it?

I will update this sporadically but it’s not a high priority for me so be patient.


Affiliate links may be present on this page. These are links to websites such as Amazon, where if you decide to purchase sommething they will offer me a tiny commission. This comes at no extra cost to you at all and is just a way for me to try and support myself and the blog. I only link to the best of the best, thank you.

Travel Questions

Where have you been?

Keep in mind this list is growing and I may be too busy to update;

  • Australia
  • Indonesia
  • Thailand
  • England
  • United States of America
  • Canada
  • France
  • Monaco (second smallest “country” in the world)
  • Spain
  • Belgium
  • The Netherlands
  • Switzerland
  • Italy
  • Vatican City (smallest “country” in the world)
  • Greece
  • Albania
  • Croatia
  • Montenegro
  • Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • Serbia
  • Hungary
  • Austria
  • Germany
  • Czech Republic
  • Portugal
  • Malaysia
  • The Bahamas
  • Vietnam
  • Singapore
  • The Pilippines

What is your favourite place?

Country? It’s too hard to say because each location is different.

Locations can also be influenced by the people you meet there but one place I’d recommend over others is Lagos, Portugal.

If you enjoy outdoor activities like surfing, mountain biking, kayaking or hiking than you’ll love it.

You can stay in the centre of town and walk everywhere, no trains, no hustle and bustle. It’s chilled but a super cool place to check out as well.

What was your least favourite place?


Besides the Panthenon it looked very run down and I never felt safe while there.

Not to say it is that way, just my experience which was a while ago now (2014).

I’d say Los Angeles is pretty average as well until you get out of the city, California as a state is beautiful but LA is a massive cess pool of wannabe types.

Where do you get accommodation and flights from?

I mostly use a few popular websites which I will make a post about soon

Do you use Travel Insurance


I have a post breaking down what is offered by different companies and which is the best one for your travel style.

I always have insurance because it’s stupid not to.

Do I need malarial tablets?

This really depends on where you’re going, how long you will be there, what sort of activities you’ll be doing when there etc.

To read more check out my table guide for Southeast Asia as well as the guide for South & Central America.

There are people that never take them, but it’s a risk you need to weigh up.

Least favourite thing about travel?

Shitty cheap arse airlines and their 7kg carry on baggage limits.

It’s an absolute farce and shoddy money grabbing scheme that they try dress up as being about having quicker boarding times and for safety reasons, but it’s not.

I really hate them.

Favourite thing about travel?


This can be a scary thing as well, being in charge of yourself utterly and completely. But it’s a rare scenario to find yourself in.

What is your travel style?

I am not a “minimalist”. The whole term makes me want to vomit. As if you deserve an award for carrying less stuff and wearindg dirty clothes. I’d say I pack more than most.

I am not a flash hotel person either though. I do carry more gear than most due to all the camera stuff that I have, so most people won’t need as much as me.

I mix up hostels in shared dorms and sometimes private dorm rooms with the very rare occassion of a hotel for a one night stay or after a gruelling stretch of travel.

I am also trying to combat multiple climates in one packing list so that has been a challenge. It’s true that you often don’t need as much as you want, but I tend to prefer to be comfortable, you will only learn from experience about what is right for you.

Don’t ever feel pressured into being minimalist because so many people froth on it, unless that’s the way you want to go, in which case good for you. It does look easy at times.

Questions About Me

If you haven’t already read it, I have a whole page about this.

Where are you from?

I come from a city called Perth on the west coast of Australia

What do you do?

I am an electrician by trade.

How did you save up enough money to travel?

I basically worked non stop for 4 and a half years without a holiday to save for one big holiday. It wasn’t in any way glamorous at all, in fact it was very hard work and a lot of sacrifice!

I also saved money when buying camera gear using these little tricks.

What do you use to film?

To answer this better I’ll just link you here. This page shows my entire camera bag and accessories as well as detailed reasoning about why I pack each item and how they compliment each other.

It’s a good read and took me ages to put together. It also helps to visualise everything.

How much do you pack?

As with the above question it’s easier for me to show you here.

That’s all my non electrical items that I use, I do pack for multiple seasons and different activities so some of the stuff you won’t need to pack which is up to you and will save you some weight 🙂

Travel Statistics


In the boredom that engulfed me during my 14 day COVID-19 isolation, I decided to figure out some travel statistics for myself.

With a combination of Google Maps, my own notes, Skyscanner and other bits and bobs available online, I came up with some pretty accurate estimations.

The only thing that limited me was my own recollection of places I had been and how I got there, but I think I got it pretty spot on by the end.

Note that the trains only apply to trains that moved me from one city to another, not counting metro systems or any of that garbage.

The flights do not include any internal flights within Australia, of which I have taken many.

The ferries do not include liveaboard scuba diving, again only counting ferries that took me from one location to another.


Total Duration In The Air:

7 days, 11 hours and 10 minutes.

I shudder to think how much time I have spent in airports.


Total Distance:

114,274 kilometres.

In other words, 2.84 times around the world. I actually thought it would be higher than that but there you go.

Buses / Minivans

Total Duration:

9 days, 20 hours and 12 minutes.


Total Distance:

20,617 kilometres.

That is 0.51 times around the world.


Average Speed:

87 km/h

This seems a little bit high, but a lot of this was cross country driving, so perhaps it isn’t too outlandish ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

That’s the same speed as a Springbok, but not the rugby players, the animal.


Total Duration:

1 day, 4 hours and 40 minutes.


Total Distance:

2,361 kilometres


Average Speed:

82 km/h

The same top speed as a lion. Which lion you ask?



Total Duration:

1 day, 11 hours and 30 minutes.


Total Distance:

1,103 kilomteres.


Average Speed:

31 km/h

This is 10km/h faster than the average speed of the world’s fastest marathon runner, but slower than Usain Bolt’s average speed over 100m of 37.5 km/h.


Total Duration:

3.9 days


Total Distance:

3,095 kilometres (a lot of this is thanks to the Ha Giang loop).


Average Speed:

34 km/h


Because he was a scooter boy, he said see you looter boy, he wasn’t cool enough for her.

But now he’s a superstar, still ridin’ his scooter hard!

Does your pretty face see what he’s worth?!?



55 hostels stayed in.


Hotels / Apartments / Homestays

50 hotels or apartments*

*This is overseas only, I’ve stayed in more in Australia.



2 boats.


Countries Visited:

30 countries visited as of May 2024


Cities / Towns Visited:

96 different cities or towns visited within those countries. Counting only stops of some significance, not rest stops, places where I spent more than 5 or 6 hours for example.

Buy me a coffee?

Hi guys, if you feel generous and feel that I’ve been of some help to you then please feel free to reach out and show some support.


Don’t put yourself out if you’re flat broke but if you have something to share it’s so much appreciated and helps support this blog.


The content you find here will always be free but it takes literally hundreds of hours of my time every month to maintain and write posts for.


Thank you for any support!


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