Western Australia

Everything related to travel in Western Australia. Whether that be a destination guide or a guide to the activities, it is all covered here.

Gairdner Loop to Mount Lesueur Trail – Fantastic Day Hike
Gairdner Loop to Mount Lesueur Trail - Overview   The Gairdner loop to Mount Lesueur trail is actually made up of what can be two separate hikes in the same area. If you want you can simply walk up to the summit of Mount Lesueur without doing the Gairdner loop....
Yued Ponar Trail – Hiking in the Mt Lesueur National Park

Yued Ponar Trail – Hiking in the Mt Lesueur National Park

Yued Ponar Trail - Overview   The Yued Ponar trail is a trail known for its amazing biodiversity, with hundreds of unique plants endemic to the area. Best visited during August - November to witness the wildflowers, however this trail can be done year round. Use...

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Monkey Rock Hike – The Best Views In Denmark!

Monkey Rock Hike – The Best Views In Denmark!

Monkey Rock Hike - Overview   Monkey Rock is a hike in the Denmark region, Western Australia. It is a small hike which can easily be done within an hour and when I was there I did not bump into anybody else on the track. Use the Monkey Rock hike table of contents...

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Mt Lindesay Hike – Everything You Need to Know

Mt Lindesay Hike – Everything You Need to Know

Mt Lindesay Hike - Overview   Mt Lindesay is a hike in the Mt Lindesay national park, located in the Denmark region, Western Australia. It is a relatively quiet trail, I didn't see anybody else on the Mt Lindesay hike until I was returning to the car park. It is...

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